45 Degrees

Your Local ICT Support Partner
With A Global Reach

Privacy & Cookie Policies

Legal information

By using this site, you are agreeing to be bound by the following terms and conditions of 45 Degrees website. Below you can find legal information about our website, including copyright, disclaimer and privacy policies.


Copyright of the content of the 45 Degrees website – consisting of design, text, graphics, images, source code and other materials – remains at all times the copyright of 45 Degrees or with associated third parties. 45 Degrees grant permission to electronically copy, and print to hard copy, information from this website only for use within school premises.

Changes and modification

No changes, modifications or alterations may be made to materials from this site without written consent from 45 Degrees. If information from this site is used for educational purposes, then an acknowledgement of 45 Degrees as the owner must accompany the material. Materials from this site cannot be re published or distributed in any format without written permission from 45 Degrees.


45 Degrees makes every effort to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up-to-date. However, we accept no liability for any loss or inconvenience caused by reliance on inaccurate material contained in this site.

External Web Links

This website contains links to other web sites. 45 Degrees is not responsible for the privacy practices of those other web sites nor is it responsible for the content of those sites.

Privacy Statement

This privacy statement discloses the privacy practices for www.45degrees.co.ug – 45 Degrees website. It applies solely to this website.

Where personal data is requested through forms, such data is only used for the purpose stated on the form and will not be given or sold to any third parties.

If any changes are made to our privacy policy, these changes will be posted on our homepage.

45 Degrees complies with the requirements of the GDPR.

Your privacy and data protection rights with regard to the personal data that we hold about you

You have a number of rights with regard to the personal data that we hold about you and you can contact us with regard to the following rights in relation to your personal data:

You have the right to receive a copy of the personal data we hold about you

You have the right to correct the personal data we hold about you

You also have the right to ask us to delete your personal data or restrict how it is used, consistent with the GDPR. There may be exceptions to the right to erasure for specific legal reasons which, if applicable, we will set out for you in response to your request

Where applicable, you have the right to object to processing of your personal data for certain purposes Where you have provided us with consent to use your personal data, you can withdraw this at any time