A consultancy firm that has been providing consultancy services in the EAC region since 2009. ADA is a regional consulting firm with partners across the Eastern and Southern Africa region and has its offices in Kampala (NIC Building) & in Kigali, Rwanda as well.

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Business Development Services

Guaranteding the future of the consulting Group by ensuring business is sought and obtained in Uganda & region.

Policy Research and Communications

Coordinating bidding, monitoring progress of the firm support technical works and reviews to assignments being undertaken, orient staff and make presentations.

HR, Finance and Administration

Accounts management; Records management; Procurement of services and assets; Keep an assents Inventory; Support internal and external audit work; staff.


Africa Development Associates (ADA) is a regional consultancy firm that has been providing consultancy services in the EAC region since 2009 with partners across the Eastern & Southern Africa region. ADA has offices in Kampala (NIC Building) and in Kigali, Rwanda.

Africa Development Associates are providers of the highest level consulting services in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Our team has a skills complement that has since the late 1990s benefitted from heavy involvement in consultancies in the Africa Region providing a range of services in Policy Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation, Performance monitoring, change management, fiscal decentralization, review of government programs, and organizational as well as institutional development.


To be a recognized leader in provision of the highest-level Management Consultancy Services in the Africa Region.


To add value to technical processes that support socio-economic transformation in Eastern and Southern Africa; to empower our clients through capacity building that sees them produce better results; and to continuously invest in our people to overcome the socio-economic challenges of our time.


Partnerships, Collaborations, Part-Time Contracting, Volunteer Work, Networking & Joint-Ventures.

“Guaranteding the future of the consulting Group by ensuring business is sought and obtained in Uganda & region.”

Business Development Services

“Coordinating bidding, monitoring progress of the firm support technical works and reviews to assignments being undertaken, orient staff and make presentations at.”

Policy Research and Communications

“Accounts management; Records management; Procurement of services and assets; Keep an assents Inventory; Support internal and external audit work; staff .”

HR, Finance and Administration


We, in partnership with our associates across Africa have distinguished ourselves in provision of services in the following ten (10) areas that constitute our core business;

Monitoring and Evaluation

Without data no measurement of performance is possible. The model is based on the Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation system for assessing performance of development interventions or partnerships or reforms relative to what was planned in terms of the achievement of outputs and outcomes.


Poverty Reduction

‘Poverty is not a mere the lack of basic needs of life but sometimes a wrong perception that limitations and hindrances to success are insurmountable’ (Rukundo, 2004). ADA believes that changes in attitudes and perceptions towards life are as vital to poverty reduction as development assistance.


Specialized Research Services

We use the latest Management Information Systems consisting of people, procedure/ processes & a database that gathers qualitative & quantitative data on pre-determined indicators to measure progress made & impact realized. Never before has Africa required researchbased solutions for its challenges than in this century.


Information Management Services

ICT is the most effective option for Africa to reach the rest of the world and for many countries on the continent to overcome the barriers of landlockedness. We provide you with something that will work.


Financial Institutional Management Services

Financial management has been ignored by many companies and institutions yet they viciously test their governance regime and eventual financial success.


Environmental Impact Assessments

Environmental Impact Assessments are a requirement for large scale construction that dictate interface with natural resources and their displacement. ADA is your solid partner in conducting these assessments


Gender And Development

We have broad experience in developing, implementing and evaluating development programs using contemporary gender analytical tools to ensure that planning and implementations of programs is engendered for better and equitable development outcomes.


Trade and Development Services

While most of Africa mains reliant on development assistance for funding, there is a notion that it is now time to use the ‘aid to trade’. With unique potentialities for commercialized agriculture, exploitation of natural resources and growth in the services sector, Africa is rising!


Institutional Development

Change is avalanching down and hence the importance of change management. While your institutional growth path may be uncertain – your desire to succeed is capacity building. Our consultants help you achieve clarity in job descriptions, job roles/ responsibilities & performance expectations


Capacity Building

ADA looks at capacity building as a continuous development endeavour that gradually focuses on understanding and tackling the obstacles that inhibit people, institutions and governments from realizing their development goals.



Africa Development Associates are providers of the highest level consulting services in Eastern and Southern Africa



Pioneered the Regulatory best practice in Uganda that put in the place Regulatory Impact Assessments that augment Policy in Uganda. ADA is the recipient Grade A- World Bank’s Global Regulatory Impact Assessment Award 2017. Since 2010, ADA has supported 8 national policies approved by Cabinet and 2 acts of parliament assented to by H.E the President.

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Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

ADA has helped to design strategic plans for: Ministry of Water and Environment, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development; Agricultural Extension; National Forestry Authority, Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group, Climate Action Network; Bishop Stuart University; Youth Employment in Agriculture, Young Farmer Champions Network and Habitat for Humanity as well as the national Industrial Policy

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ICT & Digitalization

ICT and Digitalization

Supported the finalization of the Digital Vision for Uganda under UNCDF, Assessment of the performance of Integrated Financial Management Information System for Malawi as well as Digital Solutions for the Parish Development Model

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European Union | German Corperation
World Bank
DFID | Department for International Development
Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa
Uganda Government
IFAD | International Fund for Agricultural Development
EAC | East African Community
Broederlijk Delen