

See Services

Africa Development Associates (ADA) is a regional consultancy firm that has been providing consultancy services in the EAC region since 2009 with partners across the Eastern & Southern Africa region.

Strategy & Business Planning

Strategy & Business Planning

We acknowledge lack of quality outputs as a leading discrediting concern for some consulting firms on the Africa continent.

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Conducting RIAs

Conducting RIAs

Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that Africa has the potential to rise to her fullest potential from exploitation of her vast natural and human resources.

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Policy Analysis

Policy Analysis

Pioneered the Regulatory best practice in Uganda that put in the place Regulatory Impact Assessments that augment Policy in Uganda.

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Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring & Evaluation

From inception to mid-term reviews and continuous monitoring up to terminal evaluation.

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Poverty Reduction

Poverty Reduction

Core to ADA consultancies has been the linkage between development and poverty reduction.

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Specialized Research

Specialized Research

Qualitative and quantitative data on pre-determined indicators to measure progress made and impact realized.

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Information Management

Surveys & Information Management

ICT is the most effective option for Africa to reach the rest of the world & to overcome the barriers of landlockedness.

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Financial Management

Financial Institutional Management

Financial management has been ignored by many companies and institutions yet they viciously test their governance regime and eventual financial success.

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Environmental Impact Assessments

Environmental Impact Assessments

Environmental Impact Assessments are a requirement for large scale construction that dictate interface with natural resources and their displacement.

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Gender & Development

Gender & Development

Conducted trainings, facilitation of Board Meetings, mentored and coached various state and non-state agencies on various aspects including M&E & more..

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Trade & Development

Trade & Development

“Africa is now transcending reception of not just aid for development and moving towards aid to trade and economic selfreliance” (Paul Kagame, 2008).

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Capacity Building

Capacity Building

We look at this as a continuous development endeavour that focuses on understanding & tackling the obstacles that inhibit people, institutions & governments from realizing their development goals.

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Institutional Reviews & Development

Institutional Reviews & Development

We further deepen our analysis to yield institutional measurements metrics. These are used differently for different purposes namely; feed into the training plans, recruitment, payments, activity based budgeting planning and strategic planning of businesses.

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