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Financial Institutional Management

Financial Management

Financial management has been ignored by many companies and institutions yet they viciously test their governance regime and eventual financial success.

We are an experienced provider of Corporate Governance Consulting and Financial Advisory Services.

Business Continuity planning has yet again become another essential part of running any modern organization. ADA will help you manage crises by setting up mechanisms for detection, control, and recovery from extended disruption or disaster through the developing of Business Continuity Plans and Disaster Recovery Plans.

At ADA, we are proud to have specialized in Corporate-wide strategic design, planning, and management. We use this model to link corporate performance on the attainment of its objectives to appraising the individual performance following a cascading approach.


We are proudly one of Africa’s competent providers of the Balanced Score Card (BSC)-a strategic performance based approach to pursuing of an organization’s Vision, Mission, and Strategic Objectives.


The possibility that the actual result will deviate adversely from the expected outcome. Financial risk escalates in intensity when ineffective operational procedures are applied and this reduces the productivity of workers, decreases profitability, stifles service delivery, reduces quality, and erodes reputation and brand value. You may not get rid of risk from your business but you can manage it.