CORE Services


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Surveys & Information Management

Information Management

ICT is the most effective option for Africa to reach the rest of the world and for many countries on the continent to overcome the barriers of landlockedness.
We provide you with something that will work.

While virtualization has been available for many years, we help you to integrate this with existing IT infrastructure making its use relevant to your needs.

We provide the following IT Solutions:
  • Web Designs
  • Office Internet Connectivity and Support Services
  • Information Management Solutions
  • Data Storage and Analysis Solutions
  • Office Mail Configuration
  • IT Training on Basic IT Skills


We provide you with Software specific to your needs not just the supply of systems that are costly and un-affordably too large for your business. In addition, we help your enterprise to process and store data.


We have capacity to increase your bandwidth, address your data security concerns and run remote sensors in a tele-work environment that guarantees you to operate a mobile enterprise. We are your solid partner in development of rich web-based application that can change the dynamics of how you profile your business and institution