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Institutional Reviews & Development

Institutional Reviews Development

Our pool of professional Consultants will help your organization/institution achieve clarity in job descriptions, clarity in job roles and responsibilities, streamlined job-roles and performance expectations with view of making them equitable, optimizing workload, rationalizing performance appraisals by measuring productivity, identifying the key skills enhancement requirements and training needs, and developing a framework for career growth options for each job family.

We further deepen our analysis to yield institutional measurements metrics. These are used differently for different purposes namely; feed into the training plans, recruitment, payments, activity based budgeting planning and strategic planning of businesses.

Change is avalanching down and hence the importance of change management. While your institutional growth path may be uncertain – your desire to succeed is.


To be a recognized leader in provision of the highest-level Management Consultancy Services in the Africa Region.


To add value to technical processes that support socio-economic transformation in Eastern and Southern Africa; to empower our clients through capacity building that sees them produce better results; and to continuously invest in our people to overcome the socio-economic challenges of our time.