CORE Services


See Service

Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring & Evaluation

All programs and projects are often initiated with a desire to produce results that last. From inception to mid-term reviews and continuous monitoring up to terminal evaluation, the core question is if these results are being produced efficiently (within cost) and effectively (using the best strategy possible).

ADA is your unparalleled partner in providing cutting-edge M&E solutions that ensure that you ‘measure your results’ and improve your strategies to succeed.

Without data no measurement of performance is possible. The model is based on the Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation system for assessing performance of development interventions or partnerships or reforms relative to what was planned in terms of the achievement of outputs and outcomes.


A time-bound exercise that attempts to assess systematically and objectively the relevance of performance and success, or the lack thereof of ongoing or completed programs.


A continuous management function that aims primarily at providing management of an entity and its key stakeholders with regular feedback and an early indication of progress (or the lack thereof) in the achievement of intended results.