Core Services


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Trade & Development

Trade & Development

“Africa is now transcending reception of not just aid for development and moving towards aid to trade and economic selfreliance” (Paul Kagame, 2008).

  • Support to Small and Medium Scale Enterprises
  • Studies on Economic Integration
  • Trade and Fiduciary Studies
  • Non-Trade Barriers
  • Assessments of Trade Competitiveness
  • Design of Business Plans
  • Disinvestment Profiling
  • Investor After-care
  • Linking Trade to Agriculture and Manufacturing
  • Assessment of Trade Deficits
  • Trade Fairs and Export Missions


While most of Africa mains reliant on development assistance for funding, there is a notion that it is now time to use the ‘aid to trade’. With unique potentialities for commercialized agriculture, exploitation of natural resources and growth in the services sector, Africa is rising! ADA and its partners conducted consultancies in this area. Specifically, in 2009 we conducted a study with Trade & Development Links – a Consultancy Partner in Rwanda on the causes of disinvestment and the options for investor after care.