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Overall mental health is crucially important to living an abundant life and should be afforded the same care and attention to that of our physical health. The goal of counselling is to learn how to relieve and manage distress about any concern.


Talking and sharing privately, one-on-one with the counselor, useful for those who want support but who are uncomfortable talking in groups. We all need help at different points in our lives and attention to our physical health


A couple at any point in their relationship when they are struggling. Sometimes this is at the beginning of the relationship, prior to marriage, or after many years together, or any time you are facing challenging times.


The entire family talks with the counselor to address a range of problems, from addiction to interpersonal conflicts, but generally from the perspective of the family as a whole and the interactions between each individual.


A group of individuals with similar concerns meets together with a trained counselor who provides guidance to explore individual challenges or conflicts in a supportive group setting with others who share similar stories.


Improving the parents’ knowledge, and implementation of positive parenting strategies, training the parents to know how to implement proper limits and boundaries but also have a loving and affective relationship with their children.


Often behavioral issues are just a way that the child / teen is communicating to the outside world, often if there is an issue at home, whether discord or health issues with a parent

Support Group Sessions

Support Group Sessions

A group of individuals that come together for similar reasons.

These groups usually focus on one general topic such as cancer survivorship. Support groups are not always led by a trained counselor. Often, members of the group organize and lead these groups as a way to connect with and learn from others who are managing similar challenges. Survivors are often referred to support groups by their health care teams.





These quotes represent a few of the many positive reviews that we have received from clients who have benefited from our services.

Mr. Wamala Aloysius

The counselors are wonderful! They listen attentively and genuinely delivered sustainable solutions and peace. Talking to them is so easy!

Ms. Claire Ankunda

A very pleasant and calming presence and I enjoyed our sessions. The counselors always had insightful feedback and great support.

Mr & Mrs. Kawamara

You are very genuine and thoughtful. You asked the right questions and remembered all the important details. We really appreciate our experience so far.

Sam & Brenda

We were in a relatively new realtionship (under 2 years). We both decided that rather than split up-we decided to try a new counselor one last try. We contacted Bridge Counselling and right from the start things started getting better. We received some very refreshing ideas and didn’t just sit through each session like a bump on a log (we had gone to many therapists who did just that), she interacted. She gave us homework, had us read books and had us really participate in our own healing.

Mr. Twinomugisha

Bridge helped me with my 2 adolescents. They were really headed in the wrong direction, long story short, I was at my wits end! But they have both turned around in a positive manner and are back on the right path. Thanks!

Mrs. Kandujja Sarah Emejja

Bridge helped me work through the grief and regrets of losing a friend. I was helped with the right tools to replace negative thoughts about myself with positive ones. It helped me gain confidence in myself, and have a more optimistic outlook on life.

John Katerega

I have been helped by Bridge for almost a year. She keeps me focused through my anxiety, challenges me on my shortcomings and quietly leads me to being a better person. I really don’t know what I would do without her.


That may be effective for various individuals. It is important to note that each therapeutic modality is careful considered based on the needs of the client. Not all clients need all therapeutic modalities in order to make the necessary gains in their lives. However some clients may benefit from a few modalities. For example, many people who are feeling depressed benefit greatly from a mindfulness based cognitive behavioral approach to therapy. Clients who would like to make fast changes usually benefit from brief or solution focused therapy. Some clients benefit from engaging in both individual and group counselling.


Mindfulness is a process of learning to pay attention and be aware of the present moment by brining your whole being into the process. It is practice of calming the mind and relaxing the body in order to see life more clearly.


The way we interpret events and situations depends on how we feel and act. The word cognize means to think. If we think negatively it will effect how we feel and behave. The goal of CBT is to break the negative thinking, feeling & behavior.


To bring awareness of the irrational beliefs and assumptions that cause emotional distress. If you suffer a lot of anxiety and stress, you need this form of therapy. The goal is to eliminate negative thinking patterns in order to feel happier.


Focuses on the present moment mainly goals that you want to achieve by gathering your strengths & inner resources. We focus on solutions rather than issues & symptoms to foster the relevant positive thinking, strategizing, confidence & self-esteem.


We help patients with suicidal thoughts/ ideations, personality disorders & other BPD-like symptoms like unstable moods, extreme reactions, panic & depression to cope & create space for more measured & moderate ways of responding.


The person’s identity & values hold an important role to the overall mental, physical, emotional & spiritual healing. We treat it with worth, dignity & respect. Many people choose to discuss their culture, religion & spiritual values in therapy.

Common issues




Anger Management

Anger Management

Life Transitions

Life Transitions

Cancer & Psycho-Oncology

Cancer & Psycho-Oncology

Grief and Loss

Grief and Loss

Relationship Issues

Relationship Issues

Trauma & PTSD

Trauma & PTSD

Anxiety Disorders & Panic Attacks

Anxiety Disorders & Panic Attacks

Stress Management

Stress Management

Why need a counsellor

We help people facing problems such as stress, financial stress, domestic violence, divorce or relationship breakup. We also support people with mental illnesses like depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder. By talking through your problems or concerns, we can help you to see solutions you didn’t know were there & find ways to cope better & move on in life.

Other counselling services

  • Relationship Counselling
  • Family Therapy
  • Financial Counselling
  • Rehabilitation counselling for people with a disability, health condition or social disadvantage
  • School Counselling
  • Veterans Counselling (for example, by Open Arms — Veterans and Families Counselling)
  • Counselling for Older People
  • Counselling for Children, Teenagers & Young Adults
  • Careers’ Counselling

We work with

  • Individuals
  • Couples
  • Families
  • Groups

We also deal with issues such as:

  • Anger Management
  • Grief & Loss
  • Alcohol or Drug Addiction
  • Eating Disorders like Anorexia or Bulimia


With the right counselling, you receive guidance with emotional and practical concerns from knowledgeable professionals.