Our Services

Overall mental health is crucially important to living an abundant life and should be afforded the same care and attention to that of our physical health. The goal of counselling is to learn how to relieve and manage distress about any concern.


Talking and sharing privately, one-on-one with the counselor, useful for those who want support but who are uncomfortable talking in groups. We all need help at different points in our lives and attention to our physical health


A couple at any point in their relationship when they are struggling. Sometimes this is at the beginning of the relationship, prior to marriage, or after many years together, or any time you are facing challenging times.


The entire family talks with the counselor to address a range of problems, from addiction to interpersonal conflicts, but generally from the perspective of the family as a whole and the interactions between each individual.


A group of individuals with similar concerns meets together with a trained counselor who provides guidance to explore individual challenges or conflicts in a supportive group setting with others who share similar stories.


Improving the parents’ knowledge, and implementation of positive parenting strategies, training the parents to know how to implement proper limits and boundaries but also have a loving and affective relationship with their children.


Often behavioral issues are just a way that the child / teen is communicating to the outside world, often if there is an issue at home, whether discord or health issues with a parent