Uganda nets UGX 80 billion from visa fees

Peter 30th Jul, 2024 Economy Pedson Mumbere
Uganda nets UGX 80 billion from visa fees

Uganda Airlines Corporation has contributed to the rise in the number of travelers into Uganda.

The Directorate of Citizenship and Immigration Control (DCIC) has reported a substantial increase in revenue from visa visa fees for the 2023/2024 fiscal year, totalling over UGX80 billion, up from UGX45 billion in the previous year.

Simon Peter Mundeyi, the Ministry of Internal Affairs spokesperson, told journalists at a press briefing that the growth in revenue is attributed to the rising demand for their services.

"This remarkable growth, of almost 78%, demonstrates the increasing demand for our immigration services and the confidence international visitors and expatriates have in Uganda," Mundeyi stated.

  • During the fiscal year, the DCIC issued a total of 266,537 visas, each costing USD50 (about UGX185,000), marking a notable rise in international arrivals and visa applications.

In addition to visas, the DCIC issued 12,970 dependent passes at a fee of USD400 (about UGX1.5 million) each. Dependent passes are typically issued to individuals coming to Uganda to live under the care of their parents, guardians, or spouses.

"We have seen an increase in the number of Ugandan women applying for dependent passes for their foreign spouses. A man comes from a foreign country to be taken care of by his Ugandan spouse. This is not a common practice in our African tradition," Mundeyi said.

  • The DCIC also collected UGX5 billion from student passes issued to foreign students pursuing university or secondary education in Uganda, reflecting growing confidence in Uganda's educational institutions by international students.

Special passes, issued to individuals possessing rare skills not readily available in Uganda, contributed an additional UGX5 billion. Mundeyi emphasized the strict criteria for these passes, stating: "We want to inform people in Uganda and abroad that we don’t give special passes to everybody. You must have rare skills that no Ugandan possesses."

Moreover, the collection from certificates of residence amounted to UGX2.7 billion.

On the issue of East African Community (EAC) nationals, particularly Kenyans, who start businesses in Uganda without applying for work permits, Mundeyi warned that EAC citizens must obtain work permits, even though they are free of charge.

The significant revenue collected by the DCIC from various immigration services underscores the crucial role of the directorate in managing Uganda's borders and immigration processes.

  • As Uganda continues to attract foreign nationals for various purposes, the DCIC remains a pivotal institution in upholding immigration policies and maintaining national security.

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